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‌"I only affiliate myself with companies that I either genuinely buy from already or products that I have tried, loved, and authentically use. I share this with you because it has found a way in my everyday life and perhaps it belongs in yours as well."

I have found that Otella cooling spray is a game changer for keeping cool before during and after my workouts, as well as throughout the day. It’s surprising how such a small spray can make such a big impact on how I feel.


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The Coldture has been an absolute game changer for me mentally and physically. It has caught me off-guard in the best of ways and it's been a testament to the remarkable capabilities of the human mind and body when faced with adversity. I am just at the tip of the ice berg (pun totally intended!) with the benefits, but what is already standing out for me is the major improvement in my sleep and mood lifter.


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These little tablets keep me hydrated and energized on the go. Just pop one into your water bottle and you'll start feeling the effects right away. I don't leave home without them anymore!


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OMORPHO sportswear is built on the science of MicroLoad, which is loading your body with small amounts of distributed weight to help you build strength, power, and endurance. Basically, this gear helps you burn more calories, boost your cardio and increase the challenge to your muscles, helping you get more from your workout in the same amount of time. Learn more on my SHOP page!


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This protein power is my go-to not only because its a great low card high protein combo, but it's also thoughtfully sourced, with both grass-fed beef and plant-based powder options. Oh yeah- it's tasty too! Hitting your protein goals is an absolutely essential part of your strength and wellness.


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I was an ambassador for lululemon (a brand that focuses on personal growth and development and invests in their community) and is now a lifetime legacy ambassador. I continue to contribute to the brand design and wear their high performance gear as well as connect communities through sweat.

What better partnership than one built around a passion for helping everyone embark on their wellness journey - making health, wellness, and vitality within reach for EVERY BODY.

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